
there are times when i really think of the ends times. they are close. maybe within 100 years. i think sooner.
civilization should most likely crumble away. wars should rage. people will be slaughtered for the slightest needs.
if you dont think it's true, then go to a wal-mart on a sale day. human beings recently ripped the doors off of one store in a rush to grab entertainments electronics that were displayed at a good price. after ripping the doors off they trampled a very large man to death who was trying to make them wait until an appropriate time. he lost his life over christmas sales.
so how will it be when humans are fighting over water and food? you see now how easy it will be for the antichrist to deceive the world and to win their love. all he has to do is give them food and water and x-boxes.
my heart breaks upon seeing the state of this world. belial truly is the most deceptive being. he got the people to put their own masks on. it was a willing choice to give up character and human qualities. the masses will soon be but sheep and ready for the slaughter.
if Jehovah asks His children to endure such times we'll need supplies. we'll need to be ready to fight for basic needs. we'll need shelter. we'll need defenses. we'll need manna.
i think we should take to the mountains. they are the most defended. they have water and food.
it's discouraging to think like this. i'll stop for now.
Jesus paid for all of my sins. i wish i would stop making that pile bigger.
my heart longs to return to paraguay.
my coffee at the house has been crap lately.
i'm tired of feeding myself. it was easier when i was a child.
shoplifters are in rare form this year.
i like having a christmas tree in the livingroom.
my addiction to entertainment has not subsided any.
my wife is asking me to help clean the house.
oh praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead.

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